Option Explicit
'############ 'Für RGB Auswertung #######################
Private Declare Function GetSysColor Lib "user32" ( _
ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias _
"RtlMoveMemory" (pDst As Any, pSrc As Any, ByVal _
ByteLen As Long)
Private Type OLECOLOR
RedOrSys As Byte
Green As Byte
Blue As Byte
Type As Byte
End Type
Dim sysRGB As Boolean, sysHex As Boolean, sysVB As Boolean
Dim sysR$, sysG$, sysB$
Private Const VK_F1 = &H70
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Call sysFalse
Call Del
End Sub
Private Sub sysFalse()
sysRGB = False
sysHex = False
sysVB = False
End Sub
Private Sub Del()
txtRed.Text = ""
txtGreen.Text = ""
txtBlue.Text = ""
txtHexR.Text = ""
txtHexG.Text = ""
txtHexB.Text = ""
txtvbR.Text = ""
txtvbG.Text = ""
txtvbB.Text = ""
End Sub
Private Sub ConvertRGB()
Dim strColor As String
If txtRed <> "" Then
If txtRed > 255 Then txtRed = 255
If Len(txtRed) < 1 Then
txtRed = ""
lblRed = Hex(0)
lblRed = Hex(txtRed)
End If
End If
If txtGreen <> "" Then
If txtGreen > 255 Then txtGreen = 255
If Len(txtGreen) < 1 Then
txtGreen = ""
lblGreen = Hex(0)
lblGreen = Hex(txtGreen)
End If
End If
If txtBlue <> "" Then
If txtBlue > 255 Then txtBlue = 255
If Len(txtBlue) < 1 Then
txtBlue = ""
lblBlue = Hex(0)
lblBlue = Hex(txtBlue)
End If
End If
If Len(lblBlue) = 1 Then
lblBlue = "0" & lblBlue
End If
If Len(lblRed) = 1 Then
lblRed = "0" & lblRed
End If
If Len(lblGreen) = 1 Then
lblGreen = "0" & lblGreen
End If
txtHexR = lblRed
txtHexG = lblGreen
txtHexB = lblBlue
txtvbB = lblBlue
txtvbG = lblGreen
txtvbR = lblRed
If txtRed <> "" Then sysR$ = txtRed Else sysR$ = "0"
If txtGreen <> "" Then sysG$ = txtGreen Else sysG$ = "0"
If txtBlue <> "" Then sysB$ = txtBlue Else sysB$ = "0"
strColor = RGB(sysR, sysG, sysB)
Picture1.BackColor = strColor
End Sub
Private Sub txtBlue_Change()
If sysRGB Then ConvertRGB
End Sub
Private Sub txtBlue_Click()
sysRGB = True
End Sub
Private Sub txtGreen_Change()
If sysRGB Then ConvertRGB
End Sub
Private Sub txtGreen_Click()
sysRGB = True
End Sub
Private Sub txtRed_Change()
If sysRGB Then ConvertRGB
End Sub
Private Sub txtRed_Click()
sysRGB = True
End Sub
Private Sub ConvertHex()
Dim strColor As String
Dim strTemp As String
On Error GoTo err
If txtHexR <> "" Then sysR$ = txtHexR Else sysR$ = "00"
If txtHexG <> "" Then sysG$ = txtHexG Else sysG$ = "00"
If txtHexB <> "" Then sysB$ = txtHexB Else sysB$ = "00"
strColor = "&H" & sysB & sysG & sysR '& "&"
Picture1.BackColor = strColor
Text1.Text = Picture1.BackColor
strTemp = Text1.Text
If txtHexR <> "" Then
If Len(txtHexR) < 1 Then
txtHexR = ""
lblRed2 = 0
lblRed2 = R(strTemp)
lblRed = txtHexR
End If
End If
If txtHexG <> "" Then
If Len(txtHexG) < 1 Then
txtHexG = ""
lblGreen2 = 0
lblGreen2 = G(strTemp)
lblGreen = txtHexG
End If
End If
If txtHexB <> "" Then
If Len(txtHexB) < 1 Then
txtHexB = ""
lblBlue2 = 0
lblBlue2 = B(strTemp)
lblBlue = txtHexB
End If
End If
If Len(lblBlue2) = 1 Then
lblBlue2 = "0" & lblBlue2
End If
If Len(lblRed2) = 1 Then
lblRed2 = "0" & lblRed2
End If
If Len(lblGreen2) = 1 Then
lblGreen2 = "0" & lblGreen2
End If
txtRed = lblRed2
txtGreen = lblGreen2
txtBlue = lblBlue2
txtvbB = lblBlue
txtvbG = lblGreen
txtvbR = lblRed
Exit Sub
Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub txtHexR_Change()
If sysHex Then ConvertHex
End Sub
Private Sub txtHexG_Change()
If sysHex Then ConvertHex
End Sub
Private Sub txtHexB_Change()
If sysHex Then ConvertHex
End Sub
Private Sub txtHexR_Click()
sysHex = True
End Sub
Private Sub txtHexG_Click()
sysHex = True
End Sub
Private Sub txtHexB_Click()
sysHex = True
End Sub
Private Sub ConvertVB()
Dim strColor As String
Dim strTemp As String
On Error GoTo err
If txtvbR <> "" Then sysR$ = txtvbR Else sysR$ = "00"
If txtvbG <> "" Then sysG$ = txtvbG Else sysG$ = "00"
If txtvbB <> "" Then sysB$ = txtvbB Else sysB$ = "00"
strColor = "&H" & sysB & sysG & sysR '& "&"
Picture1.BackColor = strColor
Text1.Text = Picture1.BackColor
strTemp = Text1.Text
If txtvbR <> "" Then
If Len(txtvbR) < 1 Then
txtvbR = ""
lblRed2 = 0
lblRed2 = R(strTemp)
lblRed = txtvbR
End If
End If
If txtvbG <> "" Then
If Len(txtvbG) < 1 Then
txtvbG = ""
lblGreen2 = 0
lblGreen2 = G(strTemp)
lblGreen = txtvbG
End If
End If
If txtvbB <> "" Then
If Len(txtvbB) < 1 Then
txtvbB = ""
lblBlue2 = 0
lblBlue2 = B(strTemp)
lblBlue = txtvbB
End If
End If
If Len(lblBlue2) = 1 Then
lblBlue2 = "0" & lblBlue2
End If
If Len(lblRed2) = 1 Then
lblRed2 = "0" & lblRed2
End If
If Len(lblGreen2) = 1 Then
lblGreen2 = "0" & lblGreen2
End If
txtRed = lblRed2
txtGreen = lblGreen2
txtBlue = lblBlue2
txtHexB = lblBlue
txtHexG = lblGreen
txtHexR = lblRed
Exit Sub
Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub txtvbR_Change()
If sysVB Then ConvertVB
End Sub
Private Sub txtvbG_Change()
If sysVB Then ConvertVB
End Sub
Private Sub txtvbB_Change()
If sysVB Then ConvertVB
End Sub
Private Sub txtvbR_Click()
sysVB = True
End Sub
Private Sub txtvbG_Click()
sysVB = True
End Sub
Private Sub txtvbB_Click()
sysVB = True
End Sub
Private Function WinColor(VBColor As Long) As Long
CopyMemory SysClr, VBColor, Len(SysClr)
If SysClr.Type = &H80 Then 'Es ist eine Systemfarbe
WinColor = GetSysColor(SysClr.RedOrSys)
Else 'Es ist keine Systemfarbe
WinColor = VBColor
End If
End Function
Private Function R(ByVal Color As Long) As Byte
CopyMemory R, WinColor(Color), 1
End Function
Private Function G(ByVal Color As Long) As Byte
CopyMemory G, ByVal VarPtr(WinColor(Color)) + 1, 1
End Function
Private Function B(ByVal Color As Long) As Byte
CopyMemory B, ByVal VarPtr(WinColor(Color)) + 2, 1
End Function
Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, _
Shift As Integer)
ChortCt KeyCode, Shift
End Sub
Private Sub txtRed_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, _
Shift As Integer)
ChortCt KeyCode, Shift
End Sub
Private Sub txtRed_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
cKeyPress2 KeyAscii
End Sub
Private Sub txtGreen_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, _
Shift As Integer)
ChortCt KeyCode, Shift
End Sub
Private Sub txtGreen_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
cKeyPress2 KeyAscii
End Sub
Private Sub txtBlue_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, _
Shift As Integer)
ChortCt KeyCode, Shift
End Sub
Private Sub txtBlue_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
cKeyPress2 KeyAscii
End Sub
Private Sub txtHexR_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, _
Shift As Integer)
ChortCt KeyCode, Shift
End Sub
Private Sub txtHexR_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
cKeyPress KeyAscii
End Sub
Private Sub txtHexG_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, _
Shift As Integer)
ChortCt KeyCode, Shift
End Sub
Private Sub txtHexG_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
cKeyPress KeyAscii
End Sub
Private Sub txtHexB_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, _
Shift As Integer)
ChortCt KeyCode, Shift
End Sub
Private Sub txtHexB_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
cKeyPress KeyAscii
End Sub
Private Sub txtvbR_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, _
Shift As Integer)
ChortCt KeyCode, Shift
End Sub
Private Sub txtvbR_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
cKeyPress KeyAscii
End Sub
Private Sub txtvbG_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, _
Shift As Integer)
ChortCt KeyCode, Shift
End Sub
Private Sub txtvbG_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
cKeyPress KeyAscii
End Sub
Private Sub txtvbB_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, _
Shift As Integer)
ChortCt KeyCode, Shift
End Sub
Private Sub txtvbB_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
cKeyPress KeyAscii
End Sub
' Tasten
Private Sub cKeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
Select Case KeyAscii
Case 48 To 57, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, _
97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 8
' nur 0-9, a b c d e f <==
Case Else
KeyAscii = 0
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub cKeyPress2(KeyAscii As Integer)
Select Case KeyAscii
Case 48 To 57, 8
' nur 0-9, <==
Case Else
KeyAscii = 0
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub ChortCt(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
If KeyCode = VK_F1 Then
' ...
ElseIf KeyCode = vbKeyEscape Then
' ...
ElseIf KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then 'Enter
ElseIf KeyCode = vbKeyDelete Then 'Entf
ElseIf (Shift And 2) > 0 Then 'Strg
'Tastaturcode auswerten
Select Case KeyCode
'Umleitung auf Menübefehle
Case vbKeyB: '...
Case vbKeyO: '...
End Select
End If
End Sub