String-RGB Farbcode in Long konvertieren.

String-RGB Farbcode in Long konvertieren.
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WebDesign by FienauBerlin

Quell-Code ModStrRGBtoLong.bas
Option Explicit

Public Function strRGBtoLong(sRGB As String) As Long Dim aR%, aG%, aB%, Kat%, j%, j2%, j3% On Error GoTo Err 'String-RGB nach Long konvertieren Kat = 0 For j = 1 To Len(sRGB) If Mid$(sRGB, j, 1) = "," And Kat = 1 Then j3 = j Exit For ElseIf Mid$(sRGB, j, 1) = "," Then j2 = j Kat = Kat + 1 End If Next aR = CInt(Trim(Mid(sRGB, 5, j2 - 5))) aG = CInt(Trim(Mid(sRGB, j2 + 1, (j3 - j2) - 1))) aB = CInt(Trim(Mid(sRGB, j3 + 1, (Len(sRGB) - j3) - 1))) strRGBtoLong = CLng(RGB(aR, aG, aB)) Err: End Function